Registering for Classes
Auburn University and the Graduate School
Course registration for Auburn University will be via AU ACCESS, following the procedure given below. Graduate School and University information and guides to registration can be found at the following site:
Be particularly mindful of schedule adjustment information (changing classes) that is posted on the University's academic calendar and the Graduate School’s academic calendar. The rules every term are as follows:
The procedures for a graduate student to add or withdraw from a class after the 15th class day differ from undergraduates. These are:
Online Courses
There are some graduate courses offered in an online format as one section in a multi-section course (e.g., ERMA courses). Recognize these based on the section number beginning with a “D” (e.g., ERMA 7000-D01). If you have tuition benefits as a graduate assistant, DO NOT register for the online version unless you are willing to pay separate tuition. The tuition fellowships do not cover online courses.
Graduate Credit Courses
Full-Time Status
Nine credit hours are the minimum number needed to be considered a full-time student. International students must be full-time.
Taking an Undergraduate Course
If you have a different subject matter background, you may have to take one or two undergraduate prerequisite courses in order to take some specific graduate courses; the professor makes that determination. The Graduate School advises you take any undergraduate course for S-U credit (satisfactory-unsatisfactory). To do that, you will need to complete the following form: Satisfactory-Unsatisfactory Grading Form.
Graduate School Continuous Enrollment, Residency, and Other Registration Policies can be accessed online.
Consumer and Design Sciences "Blanket" Number Courses
These are courses that involve individual work with professors and/or are not regularly scheduled. Ms. Candice Lewis will have to register you, but you must first complete a purple form (available in 308), for the following courses:
CADS 7900 – Directed Studies
CADS 7910 – Supervised Teaching
CADS 7920 – Graduate Internship
CADS 7930 – Advanced Design Projects
CADS 7960 – Special Problems
CADS 7970 – Special Topics in Design
CADS 8960 – Current Issues
CADS 8970 – Special Topics
CADS 7980, 7990, and 8990 – Graduate Project, Thesis, and Dissertation
The Department purposely blocks registration to the preceding list. There are other graduate courses (especially 6000 ones) that have undergraduate prerequisites built into the registration system. If you are unable to register for a CADS course that you need to take, check with Ms. Candice Lewis. She may have to register you and will tell you if you need to check with the professor.
CADS 7910, Supervised Teaching is a one credit hour course that is required for Graduate Teaching Assistants who will have classroom responsibilities (instructor or lab/studio instructor). It should be taken under the direction of the faculty member responsible for the course and during the first term of your teaching responsibilities. It may be repeated in another term only if you are assigned to teaching responsibilities with a different course.
Graduate Assistantships & Tuition Fellowships
Graduate School policies are accessible online.
Graduate Assistantships
Graduate teaching or research assistantships offered in the Department of Consumer and Design Sciences are subject to availability of funds. All graduate students accepted into the M.S. and Ph.D. programs in Consumer and Design Sciences are considered as applicants for available assistantships.
Graduate assistant (GA) appointments are temporary and may be made for a year (9 months) or on a term-by-term basis. Appointment and continuation depend on availability of funds, levels of enrollment, and teaching or research needs. Summer term appointments are very limited.
Renewal also depends on a high level of academic performance, excellent performance as a graduate assistant, and satisfactory progress toward the degree. Each GA will be evaluated each semester by the faculty member directing their assistantship (GA evaluation form). Assistantships for M.S. students are generally awarded only for a maximum period of two years; for Ph.D. students, the normal maximum is three years.
Graduate Tuition Fellowships
CADS graduate assistantship appointments are generally made at the .25, .33, or .50 level. As per the Graduate School policy, all GAs at the .25 or higher level have the out-of-state portion of the tuition waived. GAs at the .25 level are charged one-half of in-state tuition; those at .33 or higher have the in-state tuition waived. GAs with fall and spring appointments receive the same benefits for the following summer semester even if they do not have an assistantship appointment in that term. The Tuition Fellowship Program Policy is reviewed by the University every two years.
Graduate Student Contact Address
Share your current residential address, phone number, and email address with Ms. Candice Lewis, Administrative Assistant in the Consumer and Design Sciences Department Office (Spidle 308). It is your responsibility to keep this updated.
Also make sure that your name, address, and phone number listing in university records is correct and updated as needed. This can be done on AU Access. Sign up for AU Alert for emergency notifications.
Access to Department and Graduate Student Offices
If you are a GA, you will be assigned to a graduate student office space on first or third floor. Some of these have card-swipe access and others require checking out a key from Auburn University Facilities Management (334-844-4810). All GAs should get a key for access the Department Office (308). (A single key can open both your office and 308. You will be accountable for returning the key/s to Facilities Management when your assistantship is completed.
Use of CADS Office and Supplies
Department-purchased supplies housed in 308 are only to be used if needed for completion of GA responsibilities and tasks. This includes using the copier/printer. Supplies, printer, and copier are NOT for personal use, e.g., course, thesis, or dissertation requirements. You will be given an access code for the copier only if you regularly require its use for your assistantship, e.g., in teaching tasks. Otherwise, your assistantship supervisor may need to allow you to use her code to complete a specific task.
Access to Spidle Hall and Computer Labs
Your Auburn ID card will give you card-swipe access to Spidle Hall when it is locked following business hours except on the weekends of home football games and during holiday breaks. (Building locks at 5:00 p.m. Friday and does not unlock until noon on Sunday.)
Your card will also give you card-swipe access to the two computer labs in Spidle (110 and 302). These doors are automatically locked in non-business hours. If you have problems with your card working, contact Walter Tolbert (Spidle 266) with CHS IT Help (
Card-swipe cautions: The names associated with all swipes are recorded in the locking system. DO NOT leave any door of the building propped open to let someone else enter sometime after you; doing so will cause your swipe privileges to be removed. DO close the classroom or computer lab doors after you enter in off-hours. If you do not, and someone enters after you, and then you leave, but they do not, and they do not close the door when they leave, then your swipe privileges will be removed.
The CADS manuals for the master’s and doctoral programs present guidelines and regulations required to obtain each degree. CADS guidelines should be used in conjunction with those of the Graduate School. If you have questions about interpreting rules and policies for the University or CADS, consult your Major Professor, Graduate Program Officer (GPO), or Department Head.
In general, in order to get clearance for graduation each student must have taken the following steps:
The Master’s Degree Checklist and Doctoral Degree Checklist can be consulted for further information.
Also, check whether you are on track to graduate HERE.
If, as you approach your final semester, you find that you cannot meet the deadlines posted for submission of thesis/dissertation or completion of non-thesis requirements, but you can completely finish and have your work approved by your GAC by the end of the semester, contact the Graduate School to ask about the absolute deadline for submitting your final approval paperwork at the end of the term. If you meet the deadline for that, you will have to pay a “clearing for graduation fee” the next semester and officially graduate then, but you will not have to enroll and pay tuition. If you wish to do that and participate (early) in the graduation ceremony of the current term, the deadline will be at least three weeks prior to the end of the term, but the Graduate School can tell you that.
Graduate School
The Graduate School events calendar provides dates of varied activities for graduate students.
Graduate Student Council (GSC)
CADS has two senators to the University-wide Graduate Student Council, which meets on a regular basis to discuss issues related to graduate students. The GSC also sponsors graduate student events. We strive to have one M.S. and one Ph.D. student as the two senators, and they typically serve for a full year.
Consumer and Design Sciences
Conference Presentations
Graduate students are encouraged to submit papers for presentation or entries in design competitions at conferences such as at the Auburn University’s Research Symposium, the Southeastern Graduate Student Consortium, International Textile and Apparel Association (ITAA), Interior Design Educator’s Council (IDEC), American Collegiate Retail Association (ACRA), and other conferences. The professional organizations have websites with needed information.
When departmental budget resources allow, the department may provide some support for graduate students presenting papers. Students who have papers accepted for presentation or designs accepted for exhibition should check with the Department Head for availability of partial travel support. These students should also apply for Graduate Student Council (GSC) Travel Fellowship. Interior Design graduate students also may inquire into travel funding from IDEC.
Southeastern Graduate Student Consortium
Graduate students in the textile, and apparel, and consumer-related graduate programs at Auburn University, University of Georgia, Louisiana State University, University of Kentucky, University of Tennessee, University of South Carolina, and the University of North Carolina-Greensboro are invited to participate in a Graduate Student Consortium each Spring Semester. The purpose of the consortium is to allow students from participating universities a forum for networking and for the professional presentation of graduate research.
CADS Special Events
You will periodically be informed, usually by email, of special events, such as special guest lectures, Industry Advisory Boards interaction opportunities, and other CADS-sponsored events. CADS faculty’s expectation is that as graduate students, you will take advantage of these opportunities and attend or participate as much as possible. Regularly scheduled events are listed below.
CADS-AMDA Fashion Event: The Department and the Apparel Merchandising and Design (student) Association (AMDA) co-host this student developed and managed mounted and runway show during Spring Semester.
Women’s Philanthropy Board (WPB): The WPB, an arm of the College of Human Sciences, regularly schedules panels and speakers during both semesters. These are free to attend, except for lunch speakers, and you may be invited at some point by the CADS Department Head to be their guest.
iRACE (Innovation in Retail and Consumer Experiences) Initiative events: CADS’s iRACE Initiative brings together Auburn University faculty and students with the industry to advance practice-based research, education, and outreach in the areas of innovation in retail and consumer experiences. iRACE Initiative offers various educational programs for graduate and undergraduate students, such as iRACE Industry Lecture Series©, iRACE Hackathon©, iRACE Research Brainstorming Sessions© with industry experts or interdisciplinary researchers, in which students can network with industry experts and participate in opportunities for learning up-and-coming innovations in the industry and varying disciplines, career development, projects, scholarships, and many others.
Study Abroad Opportunities
The College of Human Sciences sponsors a range of study abroad opportunities scattered around the world. The oldest and endowed program is the Joseph S. Bruno Auburn Abroad in Italy program, which is scheduled for each semester and is 12 weeks in length. Graduate students may apply to be a GTA for the program, typically at least one to two terms in advance. Announcements seeking application are made by email.
Professional Organizations with Graduate Student Memberships
International Textile and Apparel Association (ITAA)
American Collegiate Retail Association (ACRA)
Association for Consumer Research (ACR)
American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists (AATCC)
Costume Society of America (CSA)
Interior Design Educators Council (IDEC)
Graduate Assistantship Evaluation Form
Graduate Assistants are evaluated by their faculty supervisors every semester. These evaluations are used for making decisions on graduate assistantship assignments in future semesters.
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